Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 4: The Representative from California has the floor, but which floor?

Cafe Nero, my new Starbucks
Thought provoking signs everywhere
School is now in session. Registration complete, books received, ID badge procured, new favorite latte spot commandeered and computer login running. I got this. The University College London is a sprawling and not really well labeled, campus. And if you're already "directionally challenged" as I am, getting to the right place at the right time is going to be a task. Needless to say, after Day One’s directionless mishap, I should have been more on top of things. But I wasn't. Aside from knowing exactly where my new favorite Italian coffee shop was straight off the tube, I'm pretty much at a loss the rest of the time. As I await my internal GPS to kick in, I read the sign near the elevator doors. There’s the ground floor, the lower ground floor, and the underground floor. All of these were before the first floor and none of these include the entry floor (!!!) and who knew what floor my class is on. Needless to say, I arrive to lecture late, but don't worry, still with latte in hand. The entire international quorum of students has already been seated for a while and are now fixedly engaged in debate on the global question of "What is the single greatest health problem developing countries face in 2011?" when I walk in. Priceless. 
After embarrassingly introducing myself, where I am from and what am I doing here, I squeeze into the only available seat left (and yes, still with latte in hand). In an attempt to conciliate for disrespectful tardiness, I raise my hand to answer a few questions and then think to myself, "Isn't that just like a true American? Shows up late to the world party and then thinks she has all the answers." Note to self: Be on time tomorrow and try not to represent so hard.

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