Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 29: Tea With the Queen

Outside the Palace walls
I had been here for over a month now and I had yet to pay my regards to the Queen. It was time. It was one of the nicest afternoons we’ve had since I’d been here, so I decided high tea around Buckingham Palace was in order. 
Getting off at Green Park station, I could already tell many people had the same idea as I did, spend the days outdoors. I made my way out of the station, up the stairs, and out the tunnel and came upon a large green field covered with yellow daffodils, towering trees, and droves of people out on the lawn having picnics and playing Frisbee. This really was Green Park.
It felt nice not having to wear a jacket for the first time since I had been here, so I took my time strolling the greens with camera in hand.  Dogs chased parents, parents chased kids, kids chased birds, and all around everyone seemed especially grateful for a long overdue sunny day.
Just beyond the well manicured lawns and perfectly aligned tree paths, was Buckingham Palace itself. I have been to Buckingham Palace a few times before and every time I have come, despite the day or time of year, there has always been a crowd. This day was no different.
Rows of tourists packed along the gate to the Palace, shooting photographs through the gate and attempting to flag the attention of the perfectly static guards.
Curious how a place as respected and revered as a palace could have the atmosphere of an amusement park right outside its doors, but Buckingham Palace was a spectacle to see, so people made spectacles of themselves to see it. I was no different. 
I snapped photographs to my heart’s content, mostly of the gilded gate in the setting sun, walked around the plaza twice, taking obligatory photographs of some of the statues I remembered and then headed for a street vendor in the park.
I put my camera in my pack and bought an overpriced cup of tea in a Styrofoam cup and took out the biscuits I had brought with me. 
I made my way back to the park and found a place on the grass to sit. I watched the legions of adoring subjects to the Queen make their pilgrimages to her front gate and wave at empty windows in case she was there to see them. 
Green Park, the perfect place for a nap!
I watched the regalia of Union Jacks lining the front path, blow in the winds, their loose ends tethered with golden ropes. I wondered if the Queen perhaps was in fact inside watching us watching her. Perhaps she was even having tea.
With tea and biscuits in hand, I took off my sneakers, ran my toes through the cool grass, lifted my Styrofoam cup of Earl Grey and toasted HRH Queen Elizabeth II.
‘Here! Here! Long live the Queen.’ 
And then took a long, perfect nap, in the backyard of the Queen's House.

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